Grasshopper Skabs are one of the more peaceful breeds. They are still very dangerous to any humanoid that dares to cross them but unlike other Skabs, they generally do not attack on sight. Natural enemies with the Beetle breed, Grasshoppers prefer to use their powerful legs to flee from a fight. They tend to only defend themselves if they have no other course of escape. Unlike other breeds that are armed with compound eyes, Grasshopper Skabs have multiple simple eyes and large antennae that are sensitive to touch.
To say that Grasshopper Skabs are peaceful, however, is a bit of a misnomer. While they mostly feed on vegetation, they have still been known to feast on the remains of any humanoids that they kill in battle though records of these instances seem to be few and far between.
Falling more into the ‘hunter/gatherer’ category, Grasshopper Skabs tend to only attack when they feel particularly cornered or threatened. They will kill any outsider that they have decided is too close to their tribal grounds for comfort. How close that actually is ranges from tribe to tribe.
Grasshopper Skabs are nomadic and tend to travel in large swarms searching for natural resources that they can consume as a pack. Humanoids will always know when a swarm of Grasshopper Skabs are nearby due to the deafening noise they produce when rubbing their legs together. The noise is said to be so loud that it can temporarily cripple a grown man.